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Media Center/Library

The Kleptz Early Learning Center is equipped with a Media Center that doubles as a library.  The Media Center is always a busy place. Students and staff can check out almost all the books that are shelved.


The Kleptz Early Learning Center is a great environment for learning, growing, & shaping young minds. We encourage all of our students to pick up a book when they have spare time. Reading is a great way for people of all ages to open the creative and imaginative section of the brain. 


"Its only a page turn away"






Media Center Hours Of Operation:

Monday-Friday:     8:15am-4:15pm

  • Students are able to check out one book per week from the Media Center. All books are due back the day before their next library class. (Example: If your child has Library on Tuesday, the book is due back on Monday, the following week.)
  • Overdue Notices are sent home when a student has not returned his/her book within two classes or more and will not be able to check out another until the previous book is returned. 
  • All book damage or lost book fines are sent home when a student returns a book damaged or claims it was lost. A paper stating the reason for the bill will be sent home when this issue occurs and will require a parent signature along with payment to resolve the matter. 

All phone calls are directed to the main office. To contact our media specialist for the Kleptz, you can call the main line and ask to be transferred to the Media Center line. 

(937) 832-6750